Year In Review

Nov 16 2022 - Nov 20 2023

In an era where reinvention is the new constant, Kenneth W. Welch Jr. along with Global’s Spokeswoman Jessica Ann Greenwalt are wrapping up 2023, emerging as paragons of transformation!

Jessica’s cosmetic innovations along with Mr. Welch’s inventions related to the energy sector, have created an arena, flourishing them both as environmental tech entrepreneurs, and are now taking a surprising yet strategic leap into the digital marketing sphere with Moxie’s latest acquisition, a new and innovative social media platform, soon to be released.

This move marks a return to their entertainment roots, enriched by a robust portfolio of innovation, entrepreneurship and “Now” International Talent, from music, to breakthrough scientific innovations, all aimed to deliver growth and change for environmentally friendly technologies of tomorrow via “Mankind’s Organic Marketing” vehicles, navigating pathways of Music, Dance & Song. Or as we would say… MOM!

Moxie Media Marketing (MMM), is poised to disrupt the traditional marketing playbook. “It’s not just about selling a product; it’s about advocating for a lifestyle, a cause, a sustainable future,” Welch explains. Moxie, known for its edgy campaigns and digital savvy, now stands at the cusp of a revolution, with Greenwalt & Welch steering the ship towards uncharted but promising waters.

Welch’s vision as the new “CEO” for Moxie is clear: to craft campaigns that resonate with the growing consciousness of consumers who seek meaning beyond the product. He aims to leverage Moxie’s creative muscle along with its Spokeswoman, to tell stories that matter, stories that advocate change and resonate with the core values of a demographic that yearns for authenticity.

The acquisition will send ripples through the industry, with many lauding the move as a masterstroke in aligning profit with purpose. “Jessica, along with Kenneth, brings a unique perspective to the table, one that’s rooted in genuine concern for our planet,” says a colleague from his days at the helm of a hydropower firm. “His track record, along with Jessica’s, speaks volumes, and with Moxie, they’re about to turn the page to a new chapter in digital marketing.”