Henosis Foundation

Henosis Foundation, named after Ancient Greek: ἕνωσις, which is the classical Greek word for mystical “oneness“, “union” or “unity“, is a non-profit organization with a mission to improve lives, address global poverty, and create new hope and a better future for the most disadvantaged people, families, and communities on our planet.

Moxie Media Marketing and Henosis Foundation felt that together we had a harmonious synergy. All of us are passionate about helping people, repairing the world and eliminating poverty, the lack of drinking water and power issues, which currently exist worldwide.

This is especially true by looking at the mission of the Henosis Foundation… “To accelerate and amplify the impact of the Global Sustainability Goals to defeat poverty, inspire hope and achieve social justice.”

Daniel de Castellane, the foundation’s founder, was quoted at the ESI Summit in Houston, Texas in June 2022, as saying “There’s no question that our planet needs help, if we don’t act soon, to save it, there might not be a future for our children’s children.”

Henosis was created to work in tandem with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. These SDGs are the most important elements, needed to improve the lives of the 689 million poorest people living on the planet (9.2% of the world), who are severely disadvantaged and live in extreme poverty. These goals serve as a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for the people and the planet.

Today’s world is highly challenging and complex, especially as we face complex challenges like climate change, wealth disparity, and conflict that directly impact the dignity and well-being of humankind. New ideas and innovations are needed to address old problems.

People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnerships are the cornerstone 5P’s of the work the foundation does, and the purpose of Henosis is to create and support the initiatives that support these goals, not only for the most underprivileged people today, but for generations to come.

“Far reaching into the future, including building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation!”

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