Jessica Ann Greenwalt of Moxie Media Marketing, Inc. has agreed to be the new spokeswoman for Global Oceanic Designs, Inc. along with their associated companies, which include SeaDog Systems, Inc. and Diamond Infrastructure Development, Inc.

She is excited about this opportunity because she is passionate about making a difference and helping the world, which is directly aligned with the “Heart and Soul” of the Global Oceanic team vision.

Jessica Ann, as spokeswoman for this blend of companies, known as a Corporate Machine, will leverage an inherent synergy with their ongoing efforts, and will provide a catalyst to inspire environmental accountability, hope and courage among the influencers, decision makers and concerned citizens of our World.

Her motivation, fueled by compassion, to be a prominent voice in addressing the plight of our World today, where:

  • 940 million (13% of the world) do not have “Access to Electricity”.
  • 3 billion (40% of the world) do not have “Access to Clean Fuels for Cooking”.
  • 790 million People (11% of the world’s population) without “Access to Drinkable Water”.
  • 1.8 billion People (25% of the world’s population) without “Access to Adequate Sanitation”.
  • 1.3 billion People (1/5 of the world’s population) in 104 developing countries,
          “Live in Multidimensional Poverty”. 50% of these are children.

Jessica Ann sees a world for our children’s children where poverty has been transformed to prosperity… which is where her philanthropic and entrepreneurial spirit connects with the Hearts and Minds of Global Oceanic’s team. They share a vision to transform the world to a better place.

Jessica Ann Greenwalt and Moxie Media Marketing, Inc., as part of this alliance for change, are set to support and market programs, to heal the earth, by awakening the courage in others through the use of events, public speaking, and media… engaging stakeholders, potential customers and end users in the public domain, promoting the awareness of the products and systems, developed by Global Oceanic and SeaDog Systems,  and the opportunities and benefits they can bring to a planet desperately in need of change.

Jessica will carry the Global Oceanic Corporate Machine message around the world, aimed at changing the development and expansion of the global energy systems from “bigger and bigger fire” future concepts, such as nuclear fusion, to “cool water and waves” to produce not only energy, but also safe drinking water, for all that are in need, suffering under the scarcity of these precious commodities that form the foundation of a “quality of life”.

This powerful partnership will explode onto the world stage of energy & water creation and preservation offered through the release of the dynamic and powerful, “Over-Unity Wave Driven Technologies”, as a real step in the right direction of change; a direction without destruction, producing real sustainability, for all things electric to flourish, while providing a real concept, achievable for a future, lacking water scarcity for all!

Moxie Media Marketing and Global’s Corporate Machine share in the concept of a “Global Mission of Change”… Bringing Light to the Darkness, Energy to the Weary and Creating A Quality of Life, Worth Living!